legal opinion

美 [ˈliːɡl əˈpɪnjən]英 [ˈliːɡl əˈpɪnjən]
  • 法律意见;法律界观点
legal opinionlegal opinion


the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision
opinions are usually written by a single judge
Synonym: opinion judgment judgement


  1. Research on the Expert Legal Opinion in Litigation


  2. It is the legal opinion , and you can refer to it .


  3. Providing legal opinion on legal issues involved in decision-making of business operation ;


  4. The procuratorate makes only primary legal opinion while the court makes the final conclusion .


  5. Jane : I am giving you my expert legal opinion , which is ...


  6. On the Expert Legal Opinion Letter


  7. Legal Opinion on the Event that National People 's Congress Explained the Basic Law of HKSAR of PRC


  8. But Countess Olenska still insists on a legal opinion .


  9. Chapter 2 sums up the present state of expert legal opinion , such as background , character , function and operation , etc.


  10. The listed company shall , at the time of announcement of the repurchase report , announce the legal opinion together .


  11. At present , experts always refer legal opinion to the court about the case that is being heard in the judicial practice .


  12. Many scholars believe that expert legal opinion is lack of neutrality and influences judicial independence , more importantly , has no legal basis .


  13. The legal opinion may be changed into defense or attorney opinion , however , should not be provided to the judge lest affect the independent determination of the judge .


  14. The device was so rare that Lehman could not find a US law firm to give a legal opinion on it , using instead UK-based Linklaters , says the report .


  15. As a way of non-parties to influence the court decision , expert legal opinion has widely existed in Chinese judicial practice ; but the controversy on it has never stopped .


  16. The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis of the value and limitation of amicus curiae , and bringing forward the detailed opinions on the refinement and regulation of expert legal opinion .


  17. It said on Monday it would continue with the original plan even in the absence of confirmation from the IRS , as long as it received a legal opinion about the tax-free nature of the deal , with the transaction due to take place in the final quarter of this year .


  18. Where the motion is vetoed in general meeting of shareholders , the full passage text of legal legal opinion opinions shall be disclosed .


  19. Strengthening the perfect legal system and public opinion propaganda guidance , strengthening the surveillance to mass media , nourishing the human environment ;


  20. The article also says that we must make full use of the present legal regulation on public opinion supervision and effectively conduct lawful public opinion supervision .


  21. We shall offer scientific guidance of the value proposition of college students by applying modem education approaches to organize extracurricular activities and strengthen legal construction and public opinion guidance .


  22. Mankind can hardly be too often reminded , that there was once a man named Socrates , between whom and the legal authorities and public opinion of his time , there took place a memorable collision .


  23. Legal humanism is a legal opinion or an ideological system of law of upholding the value of human beings and respecting the human nature .


  24. Subject , materials and structure are the three key links of the basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing . They are also the fundamental of the well-written legal opinion .


  25. The basic facts writing and the legal analysis writing are the two most critical parts of the legal writing . Researching the writing methods and skills of the instruments are of great significance for writing the legal opinion .
